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  • 系统科学系列报告会
Quantum Secure Direct Communication
举办时间:2017年6月23日上午9:00    地点:N204

【Abstract】Quantum secure direct communication (QSDC) is one branch of quantum cryptography. In QSDC, secret message is sent directly over a quantum channel securely. This is possible due to the use of block data transmission technique. QSDC offers higher security in transmission. The information is transmitted instantaneously in the quantum channel in QSDC. In addition to security in transmission, QSDC also provides user site security.  QSDC is also a powerful basic quantum communication primitive to build other quantum communication protocols such as quantum bidding, quantum signature and quantum dialogue and so on. In this talk, I will briefly introduce the basic ideas of QSDC, some typical QSDC protocols, QSDC in a noisy and lossy environment, experimental development of QSDC. In particular, I will emphasize that QSDC is well within the current technology. Future perspective is also given toward the end of the talk.

Work supported by China National Natural Science Foundation, the Ministry of Science and Technology of China.





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