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Some Properties of Linear Switching Systems
主讲:Clyde F. Martin (Texas Tech University)
举办时间:2013;11.4;9:30-10:30am    地点:S703


Linear switching systems have received extensive study in the last two decades. In this talk I will consider two new applications, one arising from card shuffling and the other considering the case of intermittent failure in a feedback loop. I will also report on some new results concerning the stability of stochastic switching systems.



Dr. Clyde Martin received his PhD from the University of Wyoming in 1971 and worked as a National Research Council Research Associate at NASA from 1971-1973. Clyde F. Martin's research interests include control theory and the development and analysis of mathematical and statistical models in agriculture, the environment and medicine. He has collaborated with engineers and scientists in a number of areas including aeronautics, bioengineering, economics, plant science, soil physics, epidemiology and chemical engineering on a variety of scientific topics. In 1983 he was appointed the Ex-Students Association Distinguished Visiting Professor of Mathematics at Texas Tech University; in 1988 he was appointed as the Ex-Students Association Distinguished Professor of Mathematics and in 1991 was appointed as a Paul Whitfield Horn Professor. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers, a Fellow of the American Statistics Association and an elected member of the International Statistics Institute. In November of 2001 he received an honorary doctorate for his work in engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology in Stockholm Sweden. He has received distinguished alumni awards from both Emporia State University and the University of Wyoming. He has directed more than 100 students to advanced degrees and has published more than 400 papers in a variety of disciplines.

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