How to Publish in Top Journals?

主讲人:史建军(佐治亚理工学院 Carolyn J. Stewart 讲席教授)
时间:2019年7月2日下午14:00-15:00   地点:N202


【Abstract】This presentation will discuss how to identify promising research topics, and how to publish papers in top Journals. Publishing in top international journals is important to many researchers in educational and research institutions. This presentation will discuss various topics important for research and paper writing, including

-  How to judge if a journal is among the top ranking?

-  How to select and define a research topic?

-  How to organize and write a paper?

-  What is the reviewing and publishing process for a paper?

The presentation will highlight the “dos and don’ts”. In addition, a “methodology tree” strategy will be introduced based on my experience of research and supervision of Ph.D. students. The “methodology tree” is a systematic strategy that can be used to organize the literature reviews, evaluate contributions of a research topic, facilitate communications among researchers, and provide a big picture of research problems involved. 

The presentation should help graduate students and young scholars to develop their capabilities as researchers, authors, and reviewers. It will be interactive and tailored to the interests of those attending. Do bring along your questions and comments.

【CV】史建军博士是美国佐治亚理工学院工业与系统工程学院与机械工程学院联聘冠名讲席教授,2018年当选美国工程院院士,是制造系统质量科学领域的国际著名科学家。史教授现任美国工业与系统工程学会旗舰刊物IISE Transactions的主编,同时也是中科院数学院质量与数据科学研究中心海外主任,中科院数学科学卓越创新中心杰出访问教授。史教授创立了“基于控制与系统科学的偏差分析理论”和“物理模型驱动的数据融合分析方法”,为制造和服务产品设计、质量控制和系统改善奠定了基础,为美国等发达国家和中国知名企业广泛应用。他著有专著1本,发表论文172篇,其中21篇论文获最佳论文奖,包括2019年度美国质量学会七大学术期刊应用贡献最突出奖ASQ Brumbaugh Award。他迄今培养博士37名,其中有26人在学术界任教职,有7人获得美国NSF CAREER奖,1人获得美国总统奖。他荣获美国IISE杰出研究奖和杰出教育奖,迄今仅六人同时获此殊荣,史建军是其中唯一来自中国大陆的学者。史教授同时也是美国工业与系统工程学会(IISE)会士、美国机械工程学会(ASME)会士,美国运筹与管理科学学会(INFORMS)的会士,国际质量科学院(IAQ)院士。