Time-Varying Factor Selection: A Sparse Fused GMM Approach

主讲人:洪永淼 研究员
时间:2024年3月6日上午10:30—11:30   地点:南楼N204

【报告摘要】This paper proposes a new approach for estimating a time-varying coefficient model under the GMM framework. Our sparse fused GMM (SFGMM) method provides simultaneous specification and estimation for time-varying parameters, heterogeneous structural breaks, and time-varying sparsity of a potentially high dimension of covariates. We derive large sample properties for our estimator with and without prior knowledge of structural changes and test the conditional stochastic discount factor (SDF) model. Our method addresses the “factor zoo” challenge by providing a new perspective for time-varying factor selection.




研究领域为计量经济学、时间序列分析、金融计量学、统计学,在Annals of Statistics、Biometrika、Econometrica、Journal of American Statistical Association、Journal of Political Economy、Journal of Royal Statistical Society B、Management Science、Quarterly Journal of Economics、Review of Economic Studies、Review of Financial Studies、《经济研究》《管理世界》等经济学、金融学和统计学中英文主流期刊发表文章140余篇。出版《概率论与统计学》《高级计量经济学》、Probability and Statistics for Economists、Foundations of Modern Econometrics: A Unified Approach等中英文著作。2014-2022年连续9年入选Elsevier经济学/统计学中国高被引学者榜单,获2022年高等教育(本科)国家级教学成果奖一等奖。