主讲人:万林 研究员
时间:2024年12月18日上午11:00—11:30 地点:数学院南楼N204
【报告摘要】Emerging time-series single-cell RNA sequencing (scRNA-seq) data provide unprecedented opportunities to study dynamic processes of cell populations. However, dynamic inference based on time-series scRNA-seq data is challenging due to the destructive nature of single-cell sequencing. It remains a computational challenge to link the scRNA-seq snapshots sampled at different time points. This requires the development of mathematical models and machine learning methods capable of reconstructing cell population dynamics and the underlying global landscape. We developed a physics-informed neural network framework that combines the Hamilton-Jacobi equation and the neural stochastic differential equation (SDE) to learn cellular dynamics. The proposed physics-informed neural SDE framework not only facilitates accurate prediction of cellular dynamics, but also improves interpretability.